The complete guide to precious cuts and gem shapes

The complete guide to precious cuts and gem shapes

Heart Rings

Every jewellery lover knows how many varieties and forms of precious inlays exist. They shimmer, sparkle and captivate with their beauty. However, not everyone thinks about how complicated this process is and how many stages a natural crystal goes through before becoming part of an accessory and appearing on sale in a store window. FJewellery experts decided to tell you about all the nuances of creating decorations with stones, as well as teach you to understand their varieties, names and features. Get comfortable and get ready for new discoveries!

The shape of the stone - what is hidden behind this concept?

Nature has given us many unique minerals of incredible beauty, and they all have their own characteristics. But in order to shine majestically in necklaces or earrings, they need to go through certain stages of processing, because genuine gems mined in the deposits look much different than those that sparkle in ready-made decorations. They require polishing, soft grinding, cleaning and cutting - only after that the gemstones can be encrusted in a precious product.

There is a basic classification system that divides the types of cuts and crystal shapes into three conditional categories:

  • natural,
  • classic,
  • fancy.

Natural forms

These include graceful cabochons and solid rough stones. They aren't processed and are used in jewellery in their original form. Each of them is suitable only for a certain type of native crystals.

  1. A cabochon is a type of mineral with a perfectly smooth surface, resembling a flattened sphere. It has no clear edges and any corners - only a round polished and shiny surface. This style is most suitable for opaque stones such as opals, luscious turquoise, textured jasper, or mystical moonstone.
  2. Rough crystals are used in exactly the same form as they are mined from the bowels of the earth - they fascinate with their naturalness and harmony of atypical forms. In recent years, the demand for such samples has increased significantly, and it's not surprising! Each of them is unique, distinctive, and it's impossible to find two identical copies! Such designs are ideal for pendants, avant-garde necklaces or massive fancy rings.

Emerald pendantsEmerald pendants

Classic forms

There are four varieties of this category - for many years they remain one of the most popular, thanks to their simplicity and elegance. It seems that these quite obvious forms cannot surprise with anything, but when you see a finished piece of jewellery with them, it's simply impossible to hold back the delight!

  1. Round. This cut has 57 facets in the standard and is the most famous in the world, although not the oldest. Ideally, the shape of the circle creates a soft outline and enhances the inner radiance of the crystal several times over. This is how most diamonds are cut.
  2. Oval. A slightly more elongated variation of the traditional round shape. Facet ratio can vary from 53 to 58. The elongated form makes these stones ideal for rings - one of the most common designs is a combination of a central oval crystal with two smaller round ones on the sides. The oval gem in the band visually lengthens a female finger and that is why the ladies like it so much.
  3. Pear. Very refined, delicate and graceful shape with 56 facets. It has a pointed top and a soft spherical base, which makes it look like a dazzling precious tear or the purest drop of water. Juicy emeralds, rich sapphires and traditional diamonds look especially chic in this form.
  4. Princess. This is a unique cut with a square surface and a pyramidal base that can have up to 78 facets! This option is perfect for engagement rings and is second in demand for diamonds. Accessories with inserts of this cut look very contemporary and stylish, although the shape itself is considered classic.

Round EarringsRound Earrings

Fancy forms

This category has the most varieties, and they are all fascinatingly non-standard! We will talk about 10 species that are radically different from each other and fall in love at first sight. You can also find original decorations with them in the FJewellery catalogue - choose one you like or try to mix accessories with different stones into one bright and exclusive set! It's very easy to do this on our website and our managers are always ready to help you, if necessary! Unusual shapes are made for the most special jewellery sets, and we will help you create one for yourself!

  1. Cushion. This soft precious pillow has between 57 and 64 facets and is considered one of the finest and most delicate cuts. Smooth lines, rounded corners, slightly convex surface - everything is flawless in it!
  2. Emerald. It's pretty obvious which stone looks best paired with this shape, although contemporary designers often experiment using this cut on a wide variety of gemstones and the results are truly amazing! This form contains from 50 to 58 faces, ideal geometric edges and very clear-cut corners - a strict and solid square for lovers of the classics.
  3. Baguette. An elongated, refined and strict stepped rectangle is one of the most luxurious cuts. Many sophisticated celebrities prefer such diamonds for their engagement bands. In this form, there is no clearly defined number of facets: there can be 14, 20, 33 or more - it all depends on the number of ledges and the size of the gem. Often, such stones are used on both sides to emphasise the grandeur of the central element.
  4. Octagon. A volumetric and convex polygon, depending on which side to look at it, seems different. The emerald cut also has 8 sides, but due to the flat stepped structure, they are not so obvious. There is also no clear standard for the number of faces here - possible variations within 41-57.
  5. Marquis. With 58 iridescent facets, a graceful thin shape, sharp edges and an inner glow, this shape looks dramatic and sophisticated, and is best suited for solitaires.
  6. Trillion. From 31 to 50 incredible geometric facets create a unique brilliance that is ideal for luxurious diamonds and large dark sapphires. All lovers of strict forms and clear geometry will sink right into the soul of this ideal precious triangle.
  7. Heart. 59 sophisticated and romantic facets are the most sensual and passionate form for true ladies. If you want to conquer a girl - this is what you need! However, this cut isn't suitable for all gemstones, so you need to pick up wisely!
  8. Briolette. The amazing brilliance of 84 facets makes this shape the most charming and magnificent - such an all-encompassing radiance isn't subject to any other kind of cut! The fully voluminous precious raindrop is the perfect complement for drop earrings or luxurious golden pendants.
  9. Rose. This variety is particularly interesting in that it's not a single, specific cut, but a whole separate style that can be applied to many different shapes. It goes especially well with round and oval stones, where soft edges and smooth corners are present. The faceted top is a series of united triangles, due to which an unusual radiance appears.
  10. Concave. This also applies to cutting styles, which are applicable to crystals of various beautiful shapes. The volumetric form of the cone deepens in the middle, due to which a 3D effect is created - it overwhelms and hypnotises with its alluring brilliance. Best combined with light gems.

Cabochon RingsCabochon Rings

We can talk about the brilliance of stones for an infinitely long time, but we have conveyed the main information to you and hope that you have already identified your favourite and found it among the FJewellery assortment! This is a great way to diversify your collection with a new exclusive treasure and showcase your deep knowledge of jewellery fashion!

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