The history of one accessory

The history of one accessory

St. Christopher Pendants

Saint Christopher is a martyr who lived at the end of the 3rd century and is highly revered by the Christian Church. His images are present on many paintings, icons and statues, streets and squares, shelters and schools are named after him. He is considered the patron of children, as well as all travelers (motorists, sailors, etc.). A pendant with his face is one of the most popular decorations - it's a talisman for many believers and is often bought as a gift to dear and close people. The Fjewellery store team decided to find out what legend is behind all this and why this holy man became famous. Let's figure it out together.

The story behind the St. Christopher necklace

An old legend tells us about a man of gigantic growth and remarkable physical strength. He was kind and honest, took care of the suffering and never refused to help. That was Christopher. The most famous story about him, which has been passed from mouth-to-mouth for hundreds of years, is about how he helped people cross a stormy and dangerous river. This transition cost the lives of many, and only such a strong and courageous person as Christopher could help people in this trouble. One day, a little boy approached him and asked him to carry him to the other side. Christopher put him on his shoulders and stepped into the water. As they walked, the river began to rise, the waves intensified. With every step, it can be more difficult for a man to carry a child, and he just didn't understand why this tiny boy was so heavy. With great difficulty, but they reached the opposite shore, and then the boy admitted that he was the son of God, and on his shoulders the man carried not just a child, but the whole burden of this world and its creator.

Pendants st Christopher

After this incident, many presents turned to God and believed in him, and Christopher himself began to profess Christianity and dedicated his life to this. He lived during the reign of Decius Traianus, on whose orders he was executed.

In 1969, by papal order, his name was removed from the Catholic calendar, but many believers continue to celebrate the holiday and honor his memory on July 25th. In the Orthodox Church, this is a different date - May 22.

There is no mention of him in the Bible, and therefore all the legends about him are surrounded by a veil of mystery. There is no historical evidence that this man actually existed, but this doesn't prevent him from remaining one of the most revered saints to this day. For example, in UK there are much more images of him than of any other Christian saint, except for perhaps the Mother of God.

The Saint Christopher necklace is one of the most common religious jewellery. People wear such things as a talisman and believe that it will protect them on long trips. They are also often given to young children for protection, so that they wear this thing without taking it off. With the image of this saint, many products are sold, such as:

St. Christopher Pendants

In all the paintings, he is depicted in full growth - a very tall man with a long staff in his hands, with a child sitting on his shoulders. All jewellery with it is quite simple and uncomplicated: sterling silver or traditional gold. Of course, you can also find more original models with three-dimensional engravings or inlays of precious stones. They are usually bought as souvenirs or when preparing for travel. Parents give them to their children - it's popular to make such a present for christening or the very first birthday. Pendants are worn on a jewellery harness or chain, although some hang them, for example, on a bracelet or on a bunch of keys, put them in a wallet or hide them in a secret pocket - the most important thing is that the talisman was always there.

In the catalogue of the FJewellery store you will find the most diverse and interesting models of accessories with the image of this saint. Beautiful and unusual silver pendants, vintage 9 carat gold lockets - various shapes, sizes and designs. You can choose decoration and place an order directly on our website, and our consultants will be happy to answer any questions online. Welcome and happy shopping!

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