Claddagh Ring 101: Everything You Need to Know

Ever wondered how a simple ring can carry a tale of love, loyalty, and friendship through centuries?

With its iconic heart, crown, and ‘hands’ design, the Claddagh ring is more than solely an appealing piece of jewellery; it is a symbol, a story, and a legacy all woven into one.

Sterling Silver Claddagh Ring

Sterling Silver Claddagh Ring

Claddagh rings have stood the test of time and fashion, from the bustling streets of 17th-century Galway to today's modern world, and they continue to have a special place in the hearts (and on the fingers) of those who wear them.

There is something inexplicably alluring about this ring, regardless of whether you have seen it gleaming in a jewellery store window or found one in your grandmother's jewellery box.

Sit back and relax, as we take you through the interesting history, lore, and intricate design of the Claddagh ring.


The Origin of Claddagh Rings

In the late 17th-century quaint fishing village of Claddagh, just outside Galway City in Ireland, a unique ring was born.

This ring is not any ordinary ring; it is an exquisite work of art with strong ties to Irish tradition, carrying with it the values of friendship, love, and loyalty.

As it came to be known, the Claddagh ring reflected the close-knit community that called Claddagh home, where relationships between neighbours were just as strong as those between family members.

The design of the ring, with its distinctive heart, crown, and hands, is said to have originated in this village, making it a symbol of the region’s deep-rooted traditions.

This ring belongs to the family of European finger rings known as Fede rings.

The Claddagh ring evolved into a means of expressing emotions, status, and even intentions in Ireland, a country where history and tradition come together.

The legend surrounding the Claddagh ring, a story of love lost and found, fate, and destiny, is what truly makes it stand out from other rings. This legend has kept the ring at the centre of Irish culture for more than 300 years.


The Legend of Claddagh Ring: Richard Joyce Story

Let us now explore the legend that gives the history of the Claddagh ring a hint of romance. According to legend, young Galway fisherman Richard Joyce was taken prisoner by pirates while sailing at sea. After being sold into slavery, he ended up in a strange place far from his home, missing the life and the love he had left behind.

This is where the story takes a completely different turn, one straight out of a romance novel. Richard, despite his situation, learned the art of goldsmithing from his captors.

His skills increased over the years, and so did his longing for the lady he loved back in Ireland. He crafted a ring that would symbolise his unwavering love, devotion, and friendship. In a design that was both simple and profound, the hands represented friendship, the crown signified loyalty, and the heart symbolised love.

Richard eventually discovered his love waiting for him in Galway after finally being freed from slavery. She had been waiting for him all this while, staying devoted to his love! (Ah! We're not crying; you are.) As a token of their devotion and love, he gave her the ring he had created.

Thus, the first Claddagh ring women came into being, serving as a symbol of the strength of love and the unwavering commitment of loyalty.

As you can imagine, this story adds a layer of depth and romance to the Claddagh ring, making it not just a piece of jewellery, but a symbol of enduring love that has captured the hearts of people for centuries.

Wearing a Claddagh ring today means more than just preserving a piece of history; it means you are also keeping close to your heart a legend and a tale that is as timeless as the ring itself.

    Gold Claddagh Ring with Cubic Zirconia  

Gold Claddagh Ring with Cubic Zirconia


Significance and Claddagh Ring Meaning

The Claddagh ring is a rich blend of art and symbolism woven into a single pattern that goes far beyond just being a stunning piece of jewellery. Each component of the ring, including the hands, crown, and heart, has a rich symbolic meaning that refers to the core values of friendship, love, and loyalty.
Let us explore each component's meaning and discover why the Claddagh ring is such a treasured motif.

Elements of the Ring

The Heart: Love

The most iconic symbol of love, the heart, is located in the core of the Claddagh ring, be it a gold Claddagh ring or a silver Claddagh ring. It is a universal symbol that speaks to the emotions we all hold dear.

However, this heart in the Claddagh ring represents more than just passionate love. It stands for the affection that people have for their family, friends, and even their native country. The ring's heart, which serves as a symbol of the value of love in every facet of life, is its soul.

The Crown: Loyalty
The crown, symbolising devotion and perseverance, sits atop the heart. It serves as a reminder that true love is about a commitment that lasts through thick and thin, not just the ecstasy of the moment.

The crown reminds us that friendship and love are about standing by each other through all stages of life and are about more than just transient emotions.


The Hands: Friendship
Two hands encircle the heart and crown, holding them firmly in place. These hands stand for friendship, which is the basis for loyalty and love. They serve as a gentle reminder that friendships, like rings, are circles that link us together. They signify the care and support we provide to those we hold dear.

These three components work together to create a powerful symbol that has survived through generations, making the Claddagh ring a timeless representation of deep and significant bonds between people.

How to Wear A Claddagh Ring?

Men's Claddagh Rings
We know, you must be thinking why is there a need for a tutorial to wear a ring? But, as we told you earlier, the Irish Claddagh ring is not just any ring, it means much more. So, it is time we tell you the most interesting and important aspect of wearing a Claddagh ring.

The meaning of wearing this ring will vary depending on how you wear it. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or married, the Claddagh ring has a place on your finger- and it speaks volumes without you having to say a word.

On the Right Hand, Heart Facing Outwards
You can show that you are single and looking for love by wearing the ring on your right hand with the heart pointing outward. It is a classy yet understated approach to announce to the world that you are open to romance.

On the Right Hand, but Heart Facing Inwards
Wear the ring on your right hand with the heart facing in your direction if you are in a serious relationship. This means you are off the market since someone special has already won your heart.

On the Left Hand, Heart Facing Inwards
The Claddagh ring takes on its most important role when worn on the left hand with the heart facing inwards, symbolising marriage. This position demonstrates your lifelong commitment to your lover.

The Claddagh ring is beautiful as it communicates your relationship status to the world in a way that is both traditional and personal.


Cultural Relevance of Claddagh Rings

Gold Claddagh Ring
In Irish tradition, the Claddagh ring is valued highly and is considered much more than just a piece of jewellery. It is a beloved relic that is frequently handed down through the centuries, and it is a sign that is intricately woven into the customs of friendship, love, and family.

The Claddagh rings are often seen as the Irish wedding rings. The exchange of Claddagh rings, which stand for the love, fidelity, and friendship that form the cornerstones of a solid marriage, is a common symbol of a couple's nuptials. As a tribute to the ring's rich history and the ideals it represents, some people even use it as their wedding band.

The Claddagh ring is also a symbol of friendship in addition to romance. It is often gifted to close friends as an expression of their unwavering support and trust. Giving a friend a Claddagh ring is more than just gifting them a lovely piece of jewellery; it is a way of saying "I will always be here for you" and sharing a piece of your heart.

The Claddagh ring is very profoundly used as a family heritage. It is passed down from generation to generation, carrying stories and memories of those who have worn it before. A piece of history that connects the past and present for many families, the Claddagh rings represents an intangible connection to their Irish heritage.


The cultural significance of the Claddagh ring transcends its physical form, making it a symbol of the values that bind us together—love, loyalty, and friendship. Whether you wear it as a sign of your relationship status, gift it to a dear friend, or treasure it as a family heirloom, the Claddagh ring is a timeless piece that continues to resonate through the ages.


If you are wondering where to buy an authentic Claddagh ring, explore our collection.

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